1.  Helen Clark will endeavour to have all work/projects completed by deadlines required as agreed upon at commencement. Should there be unforeseeable delays, Helen Clark will notify you of such delays as soon as possible both by phone and in writing.

2.  Helen Clark will not be held accountable if delays are from a client end, however we will work with you to ensure that deadlines are as reachable as possible.

3.  Helen Clark will work with you with the highest level of integrity and confidentiality and will ensure that no information on any products and services is disclosed to any additional parties without prior consent.

4.  Should there be a requirement for Helen Clark to send emails on your behalf, then it is a requirement of you (the client) to provide an email account to act on your behalf.

5.  All work conducted by Helen Clark will be done virtually on the premises of Helen Clark located in Kellyville NSW. Helen Clark reserves the right to work outside of core hours and at other locations.

6.  Helen Clark will communicate any times of absence due to holidays, personal leave or other reasons for short-term unavailability.

7.  All invoices are strictly payable within 14 days from date of invoice. Should payment not be received within 21 days after the date due on any invoice, further action will be taken to recover all payments due.

8.  Any ongoing/long term work/projects will require a minimum of 30 days’ notice if the services of Helen Clark are no longer required. Any unpaid invoices must be paid prior to the 30 days’ notice period.

9.  All pricing listed is effective as at the 1st July 2020 and 30 days’ notice will be provided should there be any increase to the pricing quoted. Rates are subject to review on a calendar year basis.


Last update: 1st July, 2020